MCF Rare Wine

Electrify Your Thanksgiving
I'm not one of the shops that chases the Riesling savants out there...

...mainly because I'm not a Riesling savant. 

I love the wines, know them well, and enjoy them quite often, but I don't go bandwidth is overwhelmed with other regions. 

However, there are a dozen or so producers who I do adore, and today's is one of them. 

As a matter of fact, I think the first video I ever made when I opened MCF back in 2010 was one about Riesling, with a gentleman named Dan who used to run the now shuttered Mosel Wine Merchant portfolio.  And, Ulli Stein's baseline Riesling Trocken Blauschiefer was one of the main characters. 

Now, some 14 years later, we have our two favorites from Stein, once again on offer just in time for America's greatest Riesling meal...Thanksgiving. 

For those who love them screamingly dry, Ulli's Trocken Palmberg 2023, is, as always. a classic, electric, laser-focused blue-slate beauty.  The high-toned aromatics dance above the piercingly mineral core and bracing finish that leaves your arm reflexively raising the glass for another sip. 

The Feinherb Himmelreich 2023, on the other hand, takes that signature Stein raciness, and adds a perfect dose of off-dryness to things.  Highly aromatic, stone-fruited and otherwise just downright delicious, this is one of those wines that, for me, represents the platonic ideal of what great, non-trocken Riesling should taste like. 

Electrify your Thanksgiving palate...

Riesling Trocken Palmberg 2023
Riesling Feinherb Himmelreich 2023

You may order by calling 212.255.8870.

Matt Franco
MCF Rare Wine, Ltd
249 West 13th Street NYC 10011

Looking for a wine you loved from a past newsletter or a favorite you can't find anywhere?  Email Raphael at, and we'll do our best to find it for you!