MCF Rare Wine

Hofgut Falkenstein's 2019s


Last Fall, I had the pleasure of visiting Hofgut Falkenstein, the beacon of electric, old-school, laser beam Riesling in the Mosel.


Today, I'm very excited to offer the wines that were about to be harvested as we strolled the vineyards that day. 


So many of you already know Falkenstein, and I'm continuing to write this sentence as if you're still reading, when in reality I know know you've already hit reply, sent your wish list and are eagerly awaiting confirmation. 


For those of you who don't know what makes Falkenstein so special, well, again, you could read last year's offer, but I'll some it up quickly. 


They produce what are arguably the most uncompromisingly traditional, nervous, edgy, racy wines in the region, wines that will challenge what your notions of what 'off dry' means.


By 'challenge your notion', I of course mean that while many of their wines are non-Trocken, if you will, they're perceptively much more delicate and bracing and lifted and agile than nearly anything else from the region, proving that wines with residual sugar can still be chiseled, vigorous and exhilarating. 


...and that's exactly what these are.


Of course, that's to say nothing about their wines that are, in fact, classically trocken. 


2019 was a vintage that did keep most Mosel producers on their toes, to say the least.  At Falkenstein, challenges like a Spring frost and sunburned fruit in July had a significant effect on the yields. 


A common theme for most producers, though, was making sure the warmth and sunshine didn't allow the wines to go flabby. 


Falkenstein's 'uncompromisingly traditional' methods in the vineyard and cellar, though, allowed them to retain the light, fresh, nimble character they've become beloved for and, despite it all, the end results are truly remarkable. 


In Issue #52 of the Mosel Fine Wines report, Jean and David sum it up nicely -


'2019 is indeed a vintage made for Falkenstein.  The wines shine through with lightness and aromatic density...

This is a defining vintage for this Estate and one which will go down in the annals of Mosel wine.

Whoever wants the lightness of the great Mosel wines from the 1990s should buy these wines in bulk and have the discipline to let them age for a decade.'


These days, there are many producers in places like Burgundy or Piedmont or Champagne or wherever else, whose wines are so distinctive, so fabulously well-made, so consistent and made in such small quantities, that 'vintage' is barely a consideration for buyers...the answer is always 'Yes, please, and I'll take more if you can get them'.   


Falkenstein is one of the select few producers in the Mosel whose wines, at least from my perspective, are bought this way. 


No questions asked...


...only a 'yes please'... 


You may order by emailing or calling 212.255.8870.


Matt Franco

MCF Rare Wine, Ltd

249 West 13th Street NYC 10011
